Friday, October 8, 2010



If you are an highly effective teacher eligible for the 2009-2010 performance pay bonus, please read the below important information to protects your rights.

October 8, 2010

Dear Highly Effective Teacher,

Below are four statements one of which the Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) is requesting that highly effective teachers email to to assist the WTU in protecting your right to receive the performance bonus for SY 2009-2010 without relinquishing the three options. Please read the included Q and A before deciding the best option for you.

Today, October 8, 2010, the WTU filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) against DC Public Schools for requiring our 2009-2010 performance bonus recipients to relinquish their rights to the three options. In addition, the WTU strongly disagrees with DCPS’ assertion that contract language intended for 2010-2011 implementation allows DCPS to deny our 2009-2010 recipients the three options. We will keep you updated and take all necessary steps to preserve your rights to the three options as a 2009-2010 performance bonus recipient.

In solidarity,

George Parker, President


Statement #1: I accepted the Bonus award, but I do not relinquish my rights to the three options identified in the collective bargaining agreement for excessed teachers with an “effective or higher” rating.

Statement #2: I declined the bonus award online because I do not wish to relinquish my rights to the three options identified in the collective bargaining agreement for excessed teachers with an “effective or higher” rating. However, I wish to accept the award without giving up my rights to these three options.

Statement #3: I accept the Bonus award, but I do not relinquish my rights to the three options identified in the collective bargaining agreement for excessed teachers with an “effective or higher” rating.

Statement #4: I hereby decline the bonus award based on the fact I do not wish to relinquish my rights to the three options identified in the collective bargaining agreement for excessed teachers with an “effective or higher” rating. However, I wish to accept the award without giving up my rights to these three options.

Q & A

Question: What if I have already accepted the bonus online, do I still need to send the email?

Answer: Yes, you still need to send this email to inform DCPS that you do not agree to relinquish your right to the three options.

Question: What if I have already declined the performance on line; do I still need to send the email?

Answer: Yes, you still need to send the email to inform DCPS that you are declining the bonus based on the requirement to relinquish the three options but that you wish to accept the bonus without this requirement.

Question: I received a statement from DCPS indicating that if I don’t respond online by 9am tomorrow morning accepting the bonus, they will assume I am declining the bonus. If I don’t respond online by 9am, does this mean I am no longer eligible for the bonus?

Answer: No, this does not mean you are no longer eligible for the bonus. This deadline has been imposed by DCPS in an effort to have checks ready by November 1, 2010. DCPS has not yet established a legal and official deadline for bonus recipients to accept the bonus or lose your right to the Bonus award.

Question: What if I don’t care about the three options and I’m willing to accept my bonus for SY2009-2010 and give up the three options, if necessary? Do I still need to send the email?

Answer: No, you do not need to send the email.

Question: How do I know which statement to email to Jason Kamras?


If you have already accepted the bonus online, you should use statement #1.

If you already declined the bonus online, you should use statement #2.

If you have not yet responded online, you may use either statement #3 or statement # 4. It is a matter of your individual preference.

Statement #3 provides the conditions upon which you are willing to accept the Bonus award.

Statement # 4 simply allows you to decline the bonus award with the reason stated and then provide the conditions upon which you are willing to accept the awa

Question: If I have not yet responded online, should I respond online and send the email to Jason Kamras or simply send the email to Jason Kamras only?

Answer: Sending the email to Jason Kamras only is legally sufficient. However, if you feel more comfortable responding online and sending the email to Jason Kamras, be sure you select statement#1 or statement#2 to send to Jason Kamras via email, pending your online response.

Question: I didn’t receive or review this information until after the 9am Saturday online deadline. Have I given up my right to the performance bonus?

Answer: No. However, WTU recommends that you send the appropriate email to Jason Kamras immediately or at least within the next 2 to 3 days.

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For WTU Members

The Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) is here to serve our members, and we encourage you to visit this blog often.

Join US!

As a new teacher in DCPS, you are automatically a member of the WTU bargaining unit as an agency fee member; however, we would like to invite you to become a full WTU member. The WTU bargaining unit consists of two categories of members: agency fee members and full union members. As an agency fee member your biweekly deduction is $28.22 and the biweekly deduction for full union membership is $33.20; a difference of only $4.98 per pay period.

As a full dues paying member of the WTU, you are entitled to representation from our highly qualified field representatives, Professional Development and Educational Research & Dissemination courses, and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Plus benefits such as $1,000,000 liability policy and $15,000 accidental death insurance. Full dues paying members also obtain voting rights to participate in local school elections, the approval of the WTU contract, and the upcoming general election of union officers. As teachers who will have the responsibility for supervising children throughout the day, we strongly encourage all teachers to become full union members to take advantage of the $1,000,000 liability insurance coverage to protect your financial assets against possible lawsuits.

To obtain an application for Full Membership, click here.

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