The Washington Teachers’ Union (WTU) has reached agreement with DCPS that teachers will not be required to sign the DC Public Schools (DCPS) Property Accountability statement when receiving DCPS Property. Teachers who have already signed the form, your signature will be null and void and the WTU will provide DCPS with an official statement in writing verifying this agreement. Teachers who have not signed the form will not have to do so.
The WTU has received several calls and complaints indicating that some teachers are being told that they must use the online substitute system when taking leave. The WTU has discussed this issue with DCPS, and DCPS agrees with the WTU that teachers are not required to use the online substitute system when taking leave. The online system is strictly voluntary. If you are being required to use the online system when using your leave, please contact the WTU office immediately at (202) 293-8600.
The WTU is recommending that teachers who qualify for the 2009-2010 performance pay bonus wait until you receive further instructions from the WTU before accepting or declining your bonus. The WTU does not agree with DCPS’ decision that recipients must give up the three options if they accept the performance pay bonus for SY 2009-2010. The new contract does NOT require DCPS to deny SY 2009-2010 recipients the three options as claimed in the DCPS notification letter. The contract language DCPS referenced in its notification letter applies only to performance pay recipients who qualify based on their SY 2010-2011 and SY 2011-2012 evaluations. The WTU will consult with legal counsel and provide an update and recommendations for affected members by this Wednesday, October 6, 2010.
You can view a copy of this voice message at your WTU email account.
Thank you for supporting the Washington Teachers’ Union.
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